Wednesday 31 May 2017

Day 3 - Headline

At the Best, With the Best, For the Best
In Huan Li, the factory is divided into different departments.  Each department has one thing in common, which is its large and High-Tec machineries.  When I first saw them, I thought about how fast and quickly they can get the job done as compared to us humans.  I also thought about how organised they are and how the manpower in the company is greatly reduced due to the machine’s effectiveness.  I wondered how many products one machine can produce in a short period of time.  I also wondered what the company would be like currently without the presence of many machines, also pondering about the machines’ effectiveness as compared to manual labour.
When I saw Master Zhou, he looked like an introverted yet reputable man.  He seemed to be the kind of man who is constantly grumpy throughout the day.  However, after getting to know him better, I thought that he is very much similar to the person I look up to and care about, my grandfather.  Why so?  Master Zhou makes sure that we take in and understand his knowledge regarding his area of expertise just like how my grandfather would share his knowledge on certain things with his grandchildren.  For example, when we first caught sight of the many complicated air and water pumps, he tried his very best to make sure we understand how they work, putting away the fact that there was a very obvious language barrier, by using various hand gestures and tones, even attempting to speak in English.  Moreover, I wondered what Master Zhou has contributed to the company, so much so that he is well respected by his fellow co-workers in the company.
Christopher Wong

Behind the scenes of water and pressure pumps
Today is our third day in China.  We spent our whole day in Huan Li Company.  We learnt a lot of meaningful values and lessons.  I saw a lot of machines that were very big and large.  They use different types of machines to get things done quickly and efficiently.  It is more advanced than the ones I have seen in other places.  I think adding more machines would increase the amount of products that could be produced.  However, it would require a lot of energy and electricity.  I wonder how much money they would be able to save as not much manpower is required for most of the things are done by machines.  I also wondered how much time they would be able to save if all the things are done by machines.
I also saw the different types of pumps being used in industries which all specialise in different areas.  The pressure pumps are placed to minimise the damage caused to water pumps.  There were a lot of improvised pressure pumps and water pumps which I think would make the lives of people easier.  I would like to learn the science and technology behind such pumps.  I wondered what motivated them to improve their ideas and what they do to products that are not functioning properly or up to standards.  Do they throw them away or dismantle and rebuild it again?  I hope to learn more about them in the upcoming days.  I learnt that simple concepts can also be used in places to make an idea better.
Thowfic Salihu Zeenath Nisha

Machines of HL
I saw many machines, some big and some small including the three dimensional industrial printer which seemed ten times bigger than what we have in our schools’ DNT room.  I think that they are used to produce the parts of the various products they manufacture like the parts of the DSK-2.3 (an electronic pressure control) that I saw when walking through the factory.  These parts are then assembled by the staff of Huan Li and I think with the presence of these machines, the speed of the production of the products would increase and the work done by the staff of the company would be reduced.  I wondered if these machines were created by the company itself or bought from other industries also wondering why they chose water and air pressure pumps and controllers as their main products to be sold out in the market.
Afterwards, we went on a trail to explore and learn about how the different pumps and pressure controllers function, with our mentor Master Zhou.  I think that Master Zhou is a very out-going person, he overcame the language barrier and continued to actively talk and explain to us about the functions of the products around in his work place.  I wondered why he chose this job as his profession and pursued on it to excel, now being the most experienced in his company.  As his working atmosphere is quite humid due to the heat given out by the machines, I wondered how he manages to get things done around him.

Najmus Sehar

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